Welcome to CS 106B Boggle! This game is a search for words on a 2-D board of letter cubes. The good news is that you might improve your vocabulary a bit. The bad news is that you're probably going to lose miserably to this little dictionary-toting hunk of silicon. If only YOU had a gig of RAM! Press Enter to begin the game ... Do you want to generate a random board? y It's your turn! FYCL IOMG ORIL HJHU Your words (0): {} Your score: 0 Type a word (or press Enter to end your turn): foo That word is not in the dictionary. FYCL IOMG ORIL HJHU Your words (0): {} Your score: 0 Type a word (or press Enter to end your turn): bar That word is not long enough. FYCL IOMG ORIL HJHU Your words (0): {} Your score: 0 Type a word (or press Enter to end your turn): foil You found a new word! "FOIL" FYCL IOMG ORIL HJHU Your words (1): {"FOIL"} Your score: 1 Type a word (or press Enter to end your turn): foil You have already guessed that word. FYCL IOMG ORIL HJHU Your words (1): {"FOIL"} Your score: 1 Type a word (or press Enter to end your turn): tuba That word can't be formed on this board. FYCL IOMG ORIL HJHU Your words (1): {"FOIL"} Your score: 1 Type a word (or press Enter to end your turn): roof You found a new word! "ROOF" FYCL IOMG ORIL HJHU Your words (2): {"FOIL", "ROOF"} Your score: 2 Type a word (or press Enter to end your turn): form You found a new word! "FORM" FYCL IOMG ORIL HJHU Your words (3): {"FOIL", "FORM", "ROOF"} Your score: 3 Type a word (or press Enter to end your turn): room You found a new word! "ROOM" FYCL IOMG ORIL HJHU Your words (4): {"FOIL", "FORM", "ROOF", "ROOM"} Your score: 4 Type a word (or press Enter to end your turn): roomy You found a new word! "ROOMY" FYCL IOMG ORIL HJHU Your words (5): {"FOIL", "FORM", "ROOF", "ROOM", "ROOMY"} Your score: 6 Type a word (or press Enter to end your turn): grim That word can't be formed on this board. FYCL IOMG ORIL HJHU Your words (5): {"FOIL", "FORM", "ROOF", "ROOM", "ROOMY"} Your score: 6 Type a word (or press Enter to end your turn): grim That word can't be formed on this board. FYCL IOMG ORIL HJHU Your words (5): {"FOIL", "FORM", "ROOF", "ROOM", "ROOMY"} Your score: 6 Type a word (or press Enter to end your turn): banana That word can't be formed on this board. FYCL IOMG ORIL HJHU Your words (5): {"FOIL", "FORM", "ROOF", "ROOM", "ROOMY"} Your score: 6 Type a word (or press Enter to end your turn): room You have already guessed that word. FYCL IOMG ORIL HJHU Your words (5): {"FOIL", "FORM", "ROOF", "ROOM", "ROOMY"} Your score: 6 Type a word (or press Enter to end your turn): It's my turn! My words (16): {"COIF", "COIL", "COIR", "CORM", "FIRM", "GIRO", "GLIM", "HOOF", "IGLU", "LIMO", "LIMY", "MIRI", "MOIL", "MOOR", "RIMY", "ROIL"} My score: 16 Ha ha ha, I destroyed you. Better luck next time, puny human! Play again (Y/N)? n Have a nice day.