TEMPLATE = app CONFIG += console # Make sure we do not accidentally #include files placed in 'resources' CONFIG += no_include_pwd # Do not create an app bundle when running on OS X #CONFIG -= app_bundle SOURCES = $$PWD/src/*.cpp SOURCES += $$PWD/lib/StanfordCPPLib/*.cpp HEADERS = $$PWD/src/*.h HEADERS += $$PWD/lib/StanfordCPPLib/*.h # GCC defaults to not warning about failing to return from a non-void function # We enable this warning manually, since Clang warns by default QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += -std=c++11 -Wreturn-type INCLUDEPATH += $$PWD/lib/StanfordCPPLib/ # Copies the given files to the destination directory # The rest of this file defines how to copy the resources folder defineTest(copyToDestdir) { files = $$1 for(FILE, files) { DDIR = $$OUT_PWD # Replace slashes in paths with backslashes for Windows win32:FILE ~= s,/,\\,g win32:DDIR ~= s,/,\\,g !win32 { copyResources.commands += cp -r '"'$$FILE'"' '"'$$DDIR'"' $$escape_expand(\\n\\t) } win32 { copyResources.commands += xcopy '"'$$FILE'"' '"'$$DDIR'"' /e /y $$escape_expand(\\n\\t) } } export(copyResources.commands) } !win32 { copyToDestdir($$files($$PWD/res/*)) copyToDestdir($$files($$PWD/lib/*.jar)) } win32 { copyToDestdir($$PWD/res) copyToDestdir($$PWD/lib/*.jar) } copyResources.input = $$files($$PWD/res/*) OTHER_FILES = $$files(res/*) QMAKE_EXTRA_TARGETS += copyResources POST_TARGETDEPS += copyResources macx { cache() }