2024-09-11 17:33:32 +02:00

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Executable File

* File: simpio.h
* --------------
* This file exports a set of functions that simplify input/output
* operations in C++ and provide some error-checking on console input.
#ifndef _simpio_h
#define _simpio_h
#include <string>
* Function: getInteger
* Usage: int n = getInteger(prompt);
* ----------------------------------
* Reads a complete line from <code>cin</code> and scans it as an
* integer. If the scan succeeds, the integer value is returned. If
* the argument is not a legal integer or if extraneous characters
* (other than whitespace) appear in the string, the user is given
* a chance to reenter the value. If supplied, the optional
* <code>prompt</code> string is printed before reading the value.
int getInteger(std::string prompt = "");
* Function: getReal
* Usage: double x = getReal(prompt);
* ----------------------------------
* Reads a complete line from <code>cin</code> and scans it as a
* floating-point number. If the scan succeeds, the floating-point
* value is returned. If the input is not a legal number or if
* extraneous characters (other than whitespace) appear in the string,
* the user is given a chance to reenter the value. If supplied, the
* optional <code>prompt</code> string is printed before reading the value.
double getReal(std::string prompt = "");
* Function: getLine
* Usage: string line = getLine(prompt);
* -------------------------------------
* Reads a line of text from <code>cin</code> and returns that line
* as a string. The newline character that terminates the input is
* not stored as part of the return value. If supplied, the optional
* <code>prompt</code> string is printed before reading the value.
std::string getLine(std::string prompt = "");