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2024-09-16 13:18:17 +02:00
* File: test-harness-myvector.cpp
* File containing several test cases that can be
* used to verify the correctness of the MyVector
* implementation. You should make sure to do your
* own testing in addition to ensuring that the test
* cases here pass.
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <vector>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cstdarg>
#include <set>
#include "MyVector.h"
using namespace std;
/* These flags control which tests will be run. Initially, only the
* basic test will be executed. As you complete more and more parts
* of the implementation, you will want to turn more and more of these
* flags on.
#define BasicMyVectorTestEnabled 1
#define ModerateMyVectorTestEnabled 1
#define HarderMyVectorTestEnabled 1
#define MutatingMyVectorTestEnabled 1
#define ConstMyVectorTestEnabled 0
#define BasicCopyTestEnabled 0
#define ModerateCopyTestEnabled 0
/* Utility function that pauses until the user hits ENTER. */
void pressEnterToContinue() {
/* Use getline to stall until receiving input. */
string line;
getline(cin, line);
/* This function is what the test suite uses to ensure that the MyVector works
* correctly. It takes as parameters an expression and description, along
* with a file and line number, then checks whether the condition is true.
* If so, it prints that the test passed. Otherwise, it reports that the
* test fails and points the caller to the proper file and line.
void doCheckCondition(bool expr, const string& rationale, const string& file, int line) {
/* It worked! Congrats. */
if (expr) {
cout << "PASS: " << rationale << endl;
/* Uh oh! The test failed! */
cout << "FAIL: " << rationale << endl;
cout << " Error at " << file << ", line " << line << endl;
cout << " (ENTER to continue)" << endl;
/* Pause so that the test fail stands out. */
/* Reports that an unexpected error occurred that caused a test to fail. */
void failTest(const exception& e) {
cerr << "TEST FAILED: Unexpected exception: " << e.what() << endl;
/* This macro takes in an expression and a string, then invokes
* doCheckCondition passing in the arguments along with the file
* and line number on which the macro was called. This makes it
* easier to track down the source of bugs if a test case should
* fail.
#define checkCondition(expr, rationale) doCheckCondition(expr, rationale, __FILE__, __LINE__)
/* Utility function to delimit the start and end of test cases. */
void printBanner(const string& header) {
cout << "\nBeginning test: " << header << endl;
cout << setw(40) << setfill('-') << "" << setfill(' ') << endl;
/* Utility function to signal that a test isn't begin run. */
void testDisabled(const string& header) {
cout << "== Test " << header << " NOT RUN: press ENTER to continue ==" << endl;
/* Pause for the user to hit enter. */
/* Utility function to signal the end of a test. */
void endTest() {
cout << "== end of test: press ENTER to continue ==" << endl;
/* Basic test: Can we build an empty vector and clear it? */
void basicMyVectorTest() try {
#if BasicMyVectorTestEnabled
printBanner("Basic MyVector Test");
/* Construct the MyVector. */
MyVector<int> vect;
checkCondition(true, "New MyVector construction completed.");
/* Check basic properties of the MyVector. */
checkCondition(vect.size() == 0, "vector has no elements.");
checkCondition(vect.empty(), "vector is empty.");
/* Clear the MyVctor and check basic properties again. */
checkCondition(vect.size() == 0, "vector has no elements.");
checkCondition(vect.empty(), "vector is empty.");
} catch (const exception& e) {
/* A trickier test that involves a data set and iterating through the vector with pointers.
void moderateMyVectorTest() try {
#if ModerateMyVectorTestEnabled
printBanner("Moderate MyVector Test");
/* Build a palindrome. */
MyVector<int> vect;
for (size_t i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
for (size_t i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
/* Check that basic properties hold. */
checkCondition(vect.size() == 16, "New vector has the right number of elements.");
checkCondition(!vect.empty(), "vector is nonempty.");
/* Make sure that the values of these points are correct. */
int* fwd = vect.begin();
int* bwd = vect.end();
while(fwd != bwd){
checkCondition(*fwd == *bwd, "vector has correct values.");
for (size_t i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
/* Check basic properties again. */
checkCondition(vect.size() == 8, "vector has 8 elements.");
checkCondition(!vect.empty(), "vector is nonempty.");
for (size_t i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
/* Check basic properties again. */
checkCondition(vect.size() == 0, "vector has no elements.");
checkCondition(vect.empty(), "vector is empty.");
} catch (const exception& e) {
/* This test still uses just the basic functionality, but uses larger
* data set and index based access
void harderMyVectorTest() try {
#if HarderMyVectorTestEnabled
printBanner("Harder MyVector Test");
MyVector<int> vect;
for (size_t i = 0; i < 4096; ++i)
/* Check that basic properties hold. */
checkCondition(vect.size() == 4096, "New vector has 4096 elements.");
checkCondition(!vect.empty(), "vector is nonempty.");
for (size_t i = 0; i < 2048; ++i)
/* Check basic properties again. */
checkCondition(vect.size() == 2048, "vector has now 2048 elements.");
checkCondition(!vect.empty(), "vector is nonempty.");
for (size_t i = 0; i < 2048; ++i)
/* Check that basic properties hold. */
checkCondition(vect.size() == 4096, "vector has now 4096 elements.");
checkCondition(!vect.empty(), "vector is nonempty.");
/* Clear the MyVctor and check basic properties again. */
checkCondition(vect.size() == 0, "vector has no elements.");
checkCondition(vect.empty(), "vector is empty.");
for (size_t i = 0; i < 4096; ++i)
/* Check that basic properties hold. */
checkCondition(vect.size() == 4096, "vector has again 4096 elements.");
checkCondition(!vect.empty(), "vector is nonempty.");
} catch (const exception& e) {
/* This test actively mutates the elements of the MyVector using
* operator[]. If you are failing this test, check to make sure
* that your implementation of operator[] correctly allows for
* mutation.
void mutatingMyVectorTest() try {
#if MutatingMyVectorTestEnabled
printBanner("Mutating MyVector Test");
MyVector<int> vect;
for (size_t i = 0; i < 16; ++i)
/* Check that basic properties hold. */
checkCondition(vect.size() == 16, "New vector has 16 elements.");
checkCondition(!vect.empty(), "vector is nonempty.");
for (size_t i = 0; i < 16; ++i)
vect[i] = vect[i] + 1;
for (size_t i = 0; i < 16; ++i)
checkCondition(vect[i] == i + 1, "updated vector has correct values.");
} catch (const exception& e) {
/* A basic test that creates a const MyVector and a non-const MyVector to ensure
* the class still compiles properly. It also tests the const version of
* [] is working correctly on the basic MyVector tests.
void constMyVectorTest() try {
#if ConstMyVectorTestEnabled
printBanner("Const MyVector Test");
MyVector<int> vect;
for (size_t i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
/* Check that the code compiles for the non-const version. */
const MyVector<int>& const_vect = vect;
/* Check that the code compiles for the const version. */
checkCondition(true, "Const code compiles.");
/* Run the basic vect tests using a const vect. */
checkCondition(const_vect[0]==0, "const_vect has element zero.");
checkCondition(const_vect[1]==1, "const_vect has element one.");
checkCondition(const_vect[2]==2, "const_vect has element two.");
checkCondition(const_vect[3]==10, "const_vect has element ten.");
} catch (const exception& e) {
cout << "Note: vect lookup failed, but const code compiles." << endl;
/* Tests basic behavior of the copy constructor and assignment operator. */
void basicCopyTest() try {
#if BasicCopyTestEnabled
printBanner("Basic Copy Test");
MyVector<int> one;
for (size_t i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
/* Create a clone of one and confirm that everything copied correctly.
* This uses the copy constructor.
MyVector<int> clone = one;
/* Basic checks. */
checkCondition(one.size() == clone.size(), "clone has the same number of elements as one.");
checkCondition(one.empty() == clone.empty(), "clone and one agree on emptiness.");
/* Check that everything in one is there. */
for (size_t i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
checkCondition(clone[i]==2*i, "Element from one present in clone.");
/* Create a clone of one and confirm that everything copied correctly.
* This uses the assignment operator.
MyVector<int> clone;
clone = one;
/* Basic checks. */
checkCondition(one.size() == clone.size(), "clone has the same number of elements as the one.");
checkCondition(one.empty() == clone.empty(), "clone and one agree on emptiness.");
/* Check that everything in one is there. */
for (size_t i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
checkCondition(clone[i]==2*i, "Element from one present in clone.");
} catch (const exception& e) {
/* A more merciless test of copy behavior.. */
void moderateCopyTest() try {
#if BasicCopyTestEnabled
printBanner("Moderate Copy Test");
MyVector<int> one;
for (size_t i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
/* Create a clone of one and confirm that everything copied correctly.
* This uses the copy constructor.
MyVector<int> clone = one;
/* Add odd numbers to the clone. */
for (size_t i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
checkCondition(one.size() == 10, "Adding to clone did not change one size.");
/* Check the integrity of the original out here as well to see that the destructor didn't hose things. */
checkCondition(one.size() == 10, "After clone destructor, one has original size.");
for (size_t i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
checkCondition(one[i]==2*i, "After clone destructor, one contains same as original.");
/* Create a clone of one and confirm that everything copied correctly.
* This uses the assignment operator.
MyVector<int> clone;
clone = one;
/* Do awful, awful things to the copy. */
clone = clone = (clone = clone);
(clone = one) = clone;
clone = clone = clone = clone = clone;
} catch (const exception& e) {
/* Main entry point simply runs all the tests. Note that these functions might be no-ops
* if they are disabled by the configuration settings at the top of the program.
int main() {
#if (BasicMyVectorTestEnabled && \
ModerateMyVectorTestEnabled && \
HarderMyVectorTestEnabled && \
MutatingMyVectorTestEnabled && \
ConstMyVectorTestEnabled && \
BasicCopyTestEnabled && \
cout << "All tests completed! If they passed, you should be good to go!" << endl << endl;
cout << "Not all tests were run. Enable the rest of the tests, then run again." << endl << endl;