// This is the second .h file you will edit // We have provided a skeleton for you, // but you must finish it as described in the spec. // Also remove these comments here and add your own, as well as on the members. // TODO: remove this comment header #ifndef MY_PRIORITY_QUEUE_H #define MY_PRIORITY_QUEUE_H #include "MyVector.h" #include "MyException.h" template class MyPriorityQueue { MyVector vector_array; C strictly_larger_operator; public: MyPriorityQueue(); ~MyPriorityQueue(); void push(const T& t); T top()const; void pop(); bool empty()const; unsigned size() const; private: // Other private members? }; template MyPriorityQueue::MyPriorityQueue(){ // TODO: replace the code below with your code for this member MYEXCEPTION("unimplemented method"); } template MyPriorityQueue::~MyPriorityQueue(){ // TODO: replace the code below with your code for this member MYEXCEPTION("unimplemented method"); } template void MyPriorityQueue::push(const T& t){ // TODO: replace the code below with your code for this member MYEXCEPTION("unimplemented method"); } template T MyPriorityQueue::top()const{ // TODO: replace the code below with your code for this member MYEXCEPTION("unimplemented method"); } template void MyPriorityQueue::pop(){ // TODO: replace the code below with your code for this member MYEXCEPTION("unimplemented method"); } template bool MyPriorityQueue::empty()const{ // TODO: replace the code below with your code for this member MYEXCEPTION("unimplemented method"); } template unsigned MyPriorityQueue::size()const{ // TODO: replace the code below with your code for this member MYEXCEPTION("unimplemented method"); } #endif // MY_PRIORITY_QUEUE_H