use std::path::PathBuf; use std::rc::Rc; use std::{fs, process}; use directories::ProjectDirs; use crate::downloader::download_with_progress; use crate::m3u8::M3u8; const MAX_TRIES: usize = 4; pub struct Parser { watched_name: Rc, m3u8_items: Vec, ilovetv_url: Rc, file_name: Rc, } impl Parser { pub async fn new(file_name: String, iptv_url: String, watched_name: String) -> Self { let project_dirs = ProjectDirs::from("com", "billenius", "iptvnator_rs").unwrap(); let cache = project_dirs.cache_dir(); let _ = fs::create_dir_all(&cache); let file_name = Rc::new(cache.join(file_name)); let ilovetv_url = Rc::new(iptv_url); let watched_name = Rc::new(cache.join(watched_name)); Self { watched_name: watched_name.clone(), m3u8_items: Self::get_parsed_content(&ilovetv_url, &file_name, &watched_name).await, ilovetv_url, file_name, } } pub fn find(&self, name: &str) -> Vec<&M3u8> { let name = name.to_uppercase(); self.m3u8_items .iter() .filter(|item| || item.tvg_id.contains(&name)) .collect() } fn should_update(file_name: &PathBuf) -> bool { fs::metadata(&file_name) .and_then(|metadata| { Ok({ let seconds = metadata.modified()?; seconds .elapsed() .expect("Failed to get systemtime") .as_secs() > 60 * 60 * 24 * 3 }) }) .map_or_else( |_| { println!("Could not find playlist-file, Downloading a new one"); false }, |x| x, ) } pub async fn forcefully_update(&mut self) { let mut counter = 0; let content = loop { counter += 1; let content = Self::download(&self.ilovetv_url).await.ok(); if counter > MAX_TRIES { return; } else if content.is_some() { break content.unwrap(); } println!("Retrying {}/{}", counter, MAX_TRIES); }; let _ = fs::write(&*self.file_name, &content); self.m3u8_items = Self::parse_m3u8(content, &self.watched_name.clone()); } pub fn save_watched(&self) { let watched_items = self .m3u8_items .iter() .filter(|item| item.watched) .map(|item| .collect::>(); let _ = fs::create_dir_all(&*self.watched_name.parent().unwrap()); match fs::write(&*self.watched_name, watched_items.join("\n")) { Ok(_) => { println!("Saved watched") } Err(e) => { eprintln!("Failed to write downloaded m3u8file {:?}", e); } } } async fn get_parsed_content( link: &String, file_name: &PathBuf, watched_name: &PathBuf, ) -> Vec { Self::parse_m3u8( Self::get_stringcontent(link, file_name) .await .expect("Failed to retrieve playlist"), watched_name, ) } fn parse_m3u8(content: String, watched_name: &PathBuf) -> Vec { let saved_watches = fs::read_to_string(&watched_name); let saved_watches = if saved_watches.is_ok() { saved_watches.unwrap() } else { String::from("") }; let watched: Vec = saved_watches.lines().map(String::from).collect(); let mut m3u8_items: Vec = Vec::new(); let interesting_lines: Vec = content .replacen("#EXTM3U\n", "", 1) .lines() .map(str::trim) .map(String::from) .collect(); for i in (0..interesting_lines.len()).step_by(2) { let mut items = Vec::new(); for to_find in ["tvg-id", "tvg-name", "tvg-logo", "group-title"] { let offset: usize = format!("{}=", to_find).bytes().len(); let start: usize = interesting_lines[i].find(&format!("{}=", to_find)).unwrap() as usize + offset; let end: usize = interesting_lines[i].rfind("=").unwrap(); items.push(&interesting_lines[i][start..=end]) } let name_start = interesting_lines[i].rfind(",").unwrap() + 1; let name = &interesting_lines[i][name_start..]; let link = &interesting_lines[i + 1]; let is_watched = watched.contains(link); let m3u8_item = M3u8 { tvg_id: items[0].to_owned(), tvg_name: items[1].to_owned(), tvg_logo: items[2].to_owned(), group_title: items[3].to_owned(), name: name.to_owned(), link: link.to_string(), watched: is_watched, }; m3u8_items.push(m3u8_item); } m3u8_items } async fn get_stringcontent(link: &String, file_name: &PathBuf) -> Result { if !Self::should_update(file_name) { let content = fs::read_to_string(&file_name); if content.is_ok() { return Ok(content.unwrap()); } } let mut counter: usize = 0; let content = loop { counter += 1; if let Ok(content) = Self::download(link).await { break Ok(content); } else if counter > MAX_TRIES { break Err("".to_owned()); } println!("Retrying {}/{}", counter + 1, MAX_TRIES); }; match content { Ok(s) => { let _ = fs::write(&file_name, s.as_bytes()); Ok(s) } Err(_) => { println!("Couldn't get m3u8 file!"); process::exit(-1); } } } async fn download(link: &String) -> Result { Ok(download_with_progress(link, None) .await? .get_string() .unwrap()) } }